Government of New Brunswick
With the digital property maps available online, can I use the coordinates displayed on the map and my personal GPS to run my property line?

No. The unconfirmed accuracy of property lines in a digital map combined with the varying accuracy of handheld GPS devices can set you off from the true location of the line by several meters. For example, a property line that measures 28m long on a survey plan (plotted on a 1:10,000 scale paper map to the best of any property mapper’s ability at the time, then digitized), may end up being anywhere from 21m to 35m long on the digital property map.


Does the Land Titles system introduced in 2000 guarantee my property boundaries?

No. Under the Land Titles system, the title of the property converted is guaranteed by the Government of New Brunswick, but not the boundaries.

How can I be certain where my property boundaries are located?

In New Brunswick, only a licensed New Brunswick Land Surveyor is authorized to survey and locate your property boundaries.

My deed says I own 100 acres more or less; however, the digital property map provided by Service New Brunswick shows the area of my parcel as 96 acres. Why the difference?

The area shown on the digital property map is the calculated area of the parcel based on how it is mapped. Typically, if a survey plan exists for the parcel and has been used in the mapping; the area on the map will reasonably reflect the area shown on the survey plan. However, if no survey plan exists, then the area shown on the property map may not reflect the area on the deed for several reasons. Sometimes, the areas for properties that had been previously conveyed are not reflected on the deed. In other cases, the metes and bounds descriptions in many deeds may not have any dimensions for the parcel boundaries (which means the boundaries were mapped using other sources of information). It was also common to see the metes and bounds description indicating that the area of land conveyed is “more or less”.